Thursday, 14 August 2014

Failure = Motivation


Failure is defined as a lack of success in normal English dictionaries.

But not in mine.

In my dictionary, the word 'lack' is replaced by 'ladder'.

Failure is a ladder to success.

I mean let's look at it this way.
If you really want something, a test result or a grade won't matter to you. If you really want something, you'd go after it till you get it, no matter what odds stand in the way, because failure only makes you better and tougher at what you're doing.
Failure is like a test to see how much you want a thing

And to be quite frank, e v e r y o n e  has failed in something atleast once!
Whether it's famous people like; Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Henry Ford, Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, Abraham  Lincoln, Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, J. K. Rowling, Mozart, The Beatles, Beethoven, Michael Jordan, and hundreds others that failed year after year, before becoming who they are, to people like me and you. We all failed sometime, someday in something.

If these people had given up from the first, third or fifth time, we would not have had any apple products (not apple pies, apple iphones xD ), no Disney Channel, no Internet Explorer, no lightbulb (thankyou Thomas Edison), no Harry Potter, no wonderful piano and violin music, no The Beatles or even silent comedy.

Failure meant nothing to them, it only meant "how about you try harder/differently this time?" and if you give up as well, who knows, maybe we won't have a banana YouPhone or a new famous channel.

So If you've failed once, try again.  Fail again? Try again even harder!

Try try try, till you succeed, things always have a way of working out.
Failure should motivate you, sharpen you, make you better and teach you a lesson - just like mistakes- not put you down and destroy your hopes of the future.

Better things are just round the corner.

Maybe failure isn't such a bad thing if you look at it from that perspective.

Just as you won't let your past determine your future, 

Do not let failures determine your success.

(Dedicated to all those that will receive their exam results this week. Goodluck.)

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Monday, 4 August 2014

The Best Things To Love About Life

Hello readers! C: 

It's a wonderful day, and I'm looking for a bit of positivity to even brighten the day!
So here's a list about the best things in life!

1- Waking up each day & being able to breathe.

Being able to live and wake up on another morning itself, is a huge blessing not many of us are aware of. But you know what they say, you only know the value of something when you lose it.

2- Family.

You may think you don't love them, but a family is one of the greatest gifts a person can have.

3- The nature around you.

Whether you're building a snowman, or a sandcastle, if you're hiking a mountain or if you're just lying down on the smooth grass, nature is also one of the best things to love about life.They make the fun moments even fun, and the dull moments, even bright.

4- Love.

Whether its a father's or a mother's love, or even a sister's or a brother's love, a lover's or a friend's love, its possibly number 1 on the list of greatest things ever. 

5- Pets.

These fluffy, furry  little animals that always manage to cheer you up and make you feel extremely blessed to have them, are the cutest things on earth.

6- Laughter.

Laughing till your stomach hurts with your bestfriends is one of the biggest joys ever. I mean seriously, what's better than sincere laughter? You've heard it millions of times, and now you'll hear it again; Laughter is the best medicine! :D

7- Friendship.

You know it. As I said in my previous post, friendship is a treasure, and life is just so dull and lonely without friends. Enough said.

8- Food.

Yes, food. Icecream, pizza, burgers or any of your favourite foods always make your day no matter what! You cant deny it!

9- Hugs.

The best thing in the world, and the best way to greet someone. The best things in life are free, yes, hugs ofcourse!

10- Yourself.

Well, you gotta love yourself, your talents and your appearance. Everything in you; talents, ideas and you yourself is a free gift that you should love, cherish, and appreciate for the rest of your life. 'You are a gift - an individual like no other. You are the only person with your combination of treasures.'

Life is just so great and so full of wonderful things.

Smile always;
Laugh often;
Dream big;
Live well;
Love all;
Never hate;
and never forget to appreciate everything. 

Till next time, readers;

-Jessica xx

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Sunday, 3 August 2014


Well, since it's World Friendship Day, I'll post a little article about friends. :) 

"An Acquaintance merely enjoys your company, a fair weather companion flatters when all is well, a true friend has your best interests at heart and the pluck to tell you what you need to hear." - E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly.
Let's be very honest, we are surrounded with tons of people; or lets say.. 'friends' and there are so many different types of friends. The fake ones, the acquaintances, the school friends, the two-faced friends, the 'i-just-want-your-success' friends, friends with benefits and of course, very rarely, the true friends.

Friends that just claim to be your 'friends' are not really friends, and its time we realise this. They are more like shadows; appear when there is light and success, but when it dims, they just simply disappear, and you never know where on earth they've just gone, and to be very frank, these kinds of friends are worse than enemies/people that openly express their dislike towards you. Let me tell you why.
Firstly, they're extremely two faced and its such a dilemma trying to think of which face to slap first.
Second, they give you a lot of false hope, that you actually have a friend;
And thirdly, when they abandon you, they leave you broken hearted & betrayed, and trust me, you don't want to go through that!
So in all ways, fake friends are the worst type of people, and its better you get them sorted out at the beginning. Hard to sort the sheep from the goats when they're all wearing horns, but I guess they'll show their true colours when it's time.

 However, true friends are simply treasures. They are always there every step of the road, always there to cheer you up or comfort you, always counted on, always there to make you feel special, and you're the luckiest person to have one of these friends, because they're the people that will really matter, the people you will see as bridesmaids and best men years from now, and these are the people that deserve to be celebrated today. These are the people to be appreciated atleast once a year, and thats why we have a friendship day.

Life without friends, is just like a party without music and snacks and a meeting without people.
So take a few minutes today and thank someone for being the diamond of your life and for being one of those rare friends that you should stick to, no matter what.

Happy Friendship Day, Readers.
Till Next Time;
-Jessica xoxo

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Saturday, 2 August 2014

An Opus Of Imagination.

Books; the lives after a tree.

Can we just please talk about books?
But where do I even begin?

I, personally, am a major bookworm, but the same doesn't apply to all of my friends; and when they ask me what is it that I love so much about books, I can't help but get into a series of reasons and ways in which books are beautiful and are one of the best things on Earth.

So let me tell you exactly why books are a piece of heaven.

Books are so beautiful. Maybe not in the decoration from the outside, but its what's inside!

The depth of every word and every sentence, the series of realistic emotional events, all the feelings that books give you; from tears of joy, to tears of sheer pain and sorrow when your favourite character dies and leaves you with an empty hole in your heart that is soon filled with a new sense of hopefulness towards the future. Every tiny detail describing a character makes up the big details and completes the image of that certain character, and then before you know it, you are so inlove with the book and the characters in it, that it is impossible for you to put down the book even for a minute - and as if plastered to your hand and soul, you take it everywhere with you and then you start to develop a personal attachment with the book .And honestly, I can go on forever, till the part where you officially become a 'fangirl'/'fanboy' and the whole world is never the same again because you see it with a whole new perspective; which is the book.

There's just so much to a book than that of which could be described, and that includes feelings that you didn't even know existed.It's just full of goodness and emotions,- as a matter of fact, I don't think there's anything negative about a book!
Let me list a few of the wonderful things about books:

1- Books improve your English (or any other language you read in) and widen your vocabulary.
2- If you have books, you have a partner for life.
3- With books, there is no room for boredom!
4- Books make your imagination grow, which helps you in essays and life in general.
5- If you love books and you get inspired to be a writer; you'll be a millionaire overnight!
6- Books are simply beautiful, and yes that counts as a reason to read.
7- Books give you a lot of confidence and make you read better!
8- If a book is turned into a movie, and you've read the book, you'll have much more insight on the movie and you'll be one of the first fans.
9- You can visit the entire world within the comfort of your room if you have a book.
10- You can make new friendships with people that have also read the same book as you, giving you something in common to talk about.

I could go on forever about books *.*

However, you don't just wake up one day and start reading 25 thousand books all of a sudden, at first it may seem like the most boring thing on earth, but you just have to push yourself to read the first four pages or so, and then you're done! Its just the beginning that may not seem so interesting, but trust me, once you start, you can't stop!

Some of my personal favourites are ofcourse, the Harry Potter series (JK Rowling has unbelievable talent!), The Divergent Series -Divergent, Insurgent & Allegiant (the third book destroyed me.), The Hunger Games Series, and who could forget The Fault In Our Stars, and several other books whose names are less common. Basically your typical teenage books.
But why do all my favourite characters end up dying! :( its heartbreaking really.

“You know what’s sad about reading books? It’s that you fall in love with the characters. They grow on you. And as you read, you start to feel what they feel - all of them - you become them. And when you’re done, you’re never the same. Sure you’re still you, you look the same, talk in the same manner, but something in you has changed. Something in the way you think, the way you choose, sometimes, even the things you say may differ. But it all comes down to the state you go to after a nice novel. The after-feeling. It’s amazing, but somehow, you feel left alone by that world you were once in. It’s overwhelming. But it makes you sad. Cause for once you were this, this otherworldly being in… Neverwhere, and then you suddenly have to say goodbye after a few weeks from when you read the last page. When you’ve recovered from that state it’s just… quite sad.” -Suzanne Collins. Author of the hunger games.

But anyway, to wrap up this post, the final thing I have to say about books is that the best thing about them is that you don't get to judge the characters based on their looks or features, but it is on their actions and personalities. When reading, we don't fall inlove with the character's appearance. We fall inlove with their words, their thoughts, and their hearts. We fall inlove with their souls.
After all, you're the ones that make them up in your mind; how they look and how they would act.

Till next time, readers.

-Jessica xoxo

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