Thursday, 14 August 2014

Failure = Motivation


Failure is defined as a lack of success in normal English dictionaries.

But not in mine.

In my dictionary, the word 'lack' is replaced by 'ladder'.

Failure is a ladder to success.

I mean let's look at it this way.
If you really want something, a test result or a grade won't matter to you. If you really want something, you'd go after it till you get it, no matter what odds stand in the way, because failure only makes you better and tougher at what you're doing.
Failure is like a test to see how much you want a thing

And to be quite frank, e v e r y o n e  has failed in something atleast once!
Whether it's famous people like; Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Henry Ford, Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, Abraham  Lincoln, Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, J. K. Rowling, Mozart, The Beatles, Beethoven, Michael Jordan, and hundreds others that failed year after year, before becoming who they are, to people like me and you. We all failed sometime, someday in something.

If these people had given up from the first, third or fifth time, we would not have had any apple products (not apple pies, apple iphones xD ), no Disney Channel, no Internet Explorer, no lightbulb (thankyou Thomas Edison), no Harry Potter, no wonderful piano and violin music, no The Beatles or even silent comedy.

Failure meant nothing to them, it only meant "how about you try harder/differently this time?" and if you give up as well, who knows, maybe we won't have a banana YouPhone or a new famous channel.

So If you've failed once, try again.  Fail again? Try again even harder!

Try try try, till you succeed, things always have a way of working out.
Failure should motivate you, sharpen you, make you better and teach you a lesson - just like mistakes- not put you down and destroy your hopes of the future.

Better things are just round the corner.

Maybe failure isn't such a bad thing if you look at it from that perspective.

Just as you won't let your past determine your future, 

Do not let failures determine your success.

(Dedicated to all those that will receive their exam results this week. Goodluck.)

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