Friday 14 October 2016

The problem with our education system.

Yesterday, I had the biggest breakdown and the longest panic attack I have ever experienced.
I couldn't breathe for twenty minutes and couldn't utter a proper sentence for almost an hour.
My principal saw me and just shrugged.

I was in school, that's right.
and I was internally dying because of school, that's right.

Is it really worth it?

I really don't know.

But is it right? No. It isn't.

As a senior IB student with four HLs and a whole list of extracurricular activities, the stress is quite understandable. What isn't, though, is the ridiculous treatment we receive from the staff at our school.
Not only are they quite unwary of the effects their actions have on us, they are, quite frankly, heartless.

After having school from 7 to 3, "Here, only 2 hours of homework today! You can sleep early tonight" said my Math teacher, then 5 other teachers, summing up to 12 hours of homework everyday, never less than 5. But wait, to remain an honor student don't forget to join two clubs and sport teams! oh.. and don't forget that you have school SIX days a week and afterschool meetings. That's about it.
Oh, wait.
Let me just add a couple of tests that will include things you never learned in class, y'know, just to drop your grade a little more.
And of course, when you try to raise it back up I'll give you a pop quiz you were totally unprepared for, just to keep you as a permanent C-.
Also, let me favor my children that I teach and the kids that I've known for longer and can make me laugh.
I almost forgot! Let me give you detention and suspend you because you wore the right uniform on the wrong day, that's just about it, easy!

No. NO, this isn't right.
I'm devastated and outraged
I am clinically depressed and a massive reason for this is school.
NO, IT'S NOT FINE, IT'S NOT RIGHT that the longest sleep I get is 5 hours a day.
It's not right.
Prisoners get better food and sleep than we do.
Prisoners have a longer life expectancy than we do.
Prisoners have a more relaxed life than we do. Their life is punishment but not controlled by punishment which is a much merciful life.
So many of my friends have constant suicidal thoughts and we are all emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted (..its only the second month of school)

Never once has a teacher asked how we felt or how much other homework we have all 14 years I was a student.
Never once has a teacher *helped* us outside the hours s/he was paid for.
Never once has a teacher showed us compassion or understanding.

My nightmares used to be about getting murdered or my family dying, now they're death in the form of my planner, detentions, drowning in work and being chased by Internal Assessments.

Of course, a generalization  of all these teachers is outrageous. Some are kind and understanding and a sanctuary, but they are as rare as the stars in my light polluted country and usually are counsellors or  coordinators not actual teachers.

The problem with school is that we no longer go there to 'learn'.

We go there to cross boxes on our To-Do Lists and to submit paper after paper that we have bullshitted our way through.

We go there to get enough credits to graduate and get into college.

We go because we have to.

We don't go to learn. We don't go because we love to. We don't go because we are passionate to learn more about the world and people around us.

Not because we aren't passionate, but because school has suffocated this passion and killed the enthusiasm and seasoned our days with all forms of unrecognizable torture.

We don't learn. We just add pile of information to pile. We 'learn' how to add number to number then our calculator begins to do it for us then we 'learn' how to use a calculator and a ton of other things that, not only will we not use in the future and will be forgotten the minute we graduate, it just doesn't help us.

Why don't you teach us about society? about how to overcome oppression and to develop a strong personality? why don't you teach us first aid or how to choose a right partner for life?

Okay, If that is too drastic a change, maybe just go a little easy on us? Maybe give us a little less homework? Maybe don't give us detention because of reasons as ridiculous and trivial such as uniform?

Many do not have the privilege we do and would love to go to school, and I understand that. But when it gets this bad and slowly changes us into emotionless, depressed robots, Ignorance is truly bliss. 

a tired 17 year old.

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Tuesday 30 December 2014

After an eye-opening 2014, you can close your eyes and welcome 2015.

I, for a start, can not even fathom my disbelief and shock at the realization of tomorrow being New Years Eve! (today, in some countries.)

But all jokes aside, it's unbelievable that we're already saying goodbye to the most eye-opening, effulgent, heuristic, challenging, emotional, completely eventful and without a doubt, unforgettable year ever, and I'm sure quite a number of people will have to agree.

2014 was never short of surprises. Sure, a lot of 'bad' things did happen, but more good took place.
Let's have a look back on our dear 2k14 and try to focus as much as possible on the good.

The year began on a more peaceful note than previous years.
Countries vote on constitutions that give women their complete rights, faith in humanity is restored time after time, conflicts are solved.
A rare blue diamond is found in Africa, this year's Oscars has become one of the most memorable ones, the oldest Roman temple ever discovered was uncovered by archaeologists, and scientists successfully found a way to transform normal cells to stem cells.

But some of the most talked about events included the passing away of beloved Robin Williams, the outbreak of Ebola, Brazil loses the World Cup to Germany, the biggest margin of victory in FIFA semi-final history, two Malaysian flights go missing, but are eventually found, and another Air Asia flight goes missing a few days ago, but no news of it are heard yet. Kim Kardashian finally gets married to Kanye West, Scotland votes to remain as part of the UK, Joan Rivers also passes away, Cristiano Ronaldo wins the 2013 FIFA Ballon d'Or, Malala wins the Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 17 and is the youngest ever recipient of the prize, al-Sisi is voted president of Egypt, the first ever video to reach 2 billion views on YouTube is 'Gangnam style' and that's another broken record. Luis Suarez is expelled from the World Cup after his biting incident, the HeForShe campaign is launched, and over 5 football world records are broken.

Quite eventful.

So much happened this year, it's just crazy, especially personally. I started this blog, had a whole new life, a new school, new friends and new places visited, I met so many new people, and quite a lot has changed. I went into 2014 not suspecting a single change or expecting anything unusual, but in a blink of an eye my whole life turned around. Who would have seen it coming? Definitely not me.

However, 2014 taught me some really valuable life lessons. The world is huge, yet small in a way. You'll met hundreds of thousands of people, and if you get affected by every person you meet and allow them to put you down, you'll never go anywhere other than your bed with an ocean of tears. I learned that sometimes its okay to let go, its okay to be a little bit heartless, but its never okay to see a chance to do good and not take it. I most importantly learned that it is impossible to please everyone. This year, I've lost so many people to death, but I also learned that I should find the positivity in the situation, and every other situation because there's nothing more pleasant than a happy person, and a ton of other lessons.
Life is not fair but you can always make it wonderful the way you perceive it.

For everyone we've lost in this year, for every wasted second and for every frown, we shall make up for it in 2015.
And for every friend we gained, every cherished moment and for the happiest of smiles, we give three cheers.

But as all good things come to an end, so will 2014.
And for now, I can thank it for every lesson, memory, smile, and friend, breath a sigh of relief, close my eyes and welcome 2015.
Let's hope it's even better than the current one.


Happy New Year's Eve, readers!

see you next year xxx

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